1. Welcome to a Business Automation era

Teams try using agile methodologies, DevOps culture, high-end hardware, and software, although the output reports and numbers still show that competitors are delivering faster and leading the market.

What is the missing piece then? Why can’t have a shorter time in between a request and delivery of a business requirement?

Here is probably the answer: there are too many steps and distortions occurring in between an idea thought until its implementation. The business team is the owner of knowledge, of the ideas. Therefore,

The heart of digital transformation pulses stronger when shortening the journey of this knowledge from thoughts and docs to code and software.

Most of the times, the business teams likes to create diagrams and documents using a notation that can be more easily understood. Therefore, in order for the IT team to implement software that truly delivers what the business teams needs and asked for, the techies should understand some basic concepts of the business process management world. This section brings overview of concepts about business process management and the key business data that should be captured, monitored  and made available for the business teams.

The first topics we should cover on the next blog posts will cover:

This section is part of the jBPM Getting Started series

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