
Why app architects should worry about Business Automation in 2019

"In commerce, time to market (TTM) is the length of time it takes from a product being conceived until its being available for sale. " - Wikipedia Knowing this concept, beware that time and assertiveness are decision makers for either huge enterprises or small startups who enters in a competitive rush. Digital transformation is the key that companies are… Continue reading Why app architects should worry about Business Automation in 2019


Persisting custom process variables in different DB on jBPM

Intro So you want to store the data used in your process separately from jBPM database schema. To achieve this, you need to use Pluggable Variable Persistence. This is an objective post on the requirements to implement PVP on your project. TLDR; Sample project repo with a working example: pvp-sample The persistable classes needs to… Continue reading Persisting custom process variables in different DB on jBPM


Evolve by adding Biz to your DevOps

Companies and tech teams are walking towards adopting DevOps culture, in order to achieve some of these improvements: Faster recovery rate from failures;Faster development of company’s applications than competitors;Lower time and effort spent on unplanned work and bug fixing; These, among other benefits, help I.T. delivering faster and reliable software. Although, they do not guarantee… Continue reading Evolve by adding Biz to your DevOps